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Fairies are the magical folk who whisper sweet stories in children's ears as they sleep and leave a trail of sparkle dust as they skip about the garden with trilling laughter and song in their step. I am so lucky to spend most days as a fairy when I visit the darling children whose faces light up with joy and delight when they spy my wand and wings! Here is a collection of some of my favourite fairy rhymes to share with your little ones....

 The "Christmas Tree Fairy" live on stage - Rebecca Jane Flanagan

"If You See A Fairy Ring"

If you see a fairy ring

In a field of grass,

Very lightly step around,

Tip-Toe as you pass,

Last night Fairies frolicked there

And they're sleeping somewhere near.

If you see a tiny fairy

Lying fast asleep

Shut your eyes

And run away,

Do not stay to peek!

Do not tell

Or you'll break a fairy spell


 Beautful fairy and butterfly wings in a rainbow of colours available in our Web Store

"Fairies in the Garden"

By Faye Gisbon

My garden brings the fairies,

You will never know the hour.

The sun may just be peeping

Past the apple tree in flow'r.

See them? No! But I discern

Pixie clues they leave behind:

The fragrant thyme they danced upon . . .

I am always sure to find

A dewdrop mirror clinging

To a blossom hanging low;

I hear their tinkling laughter

When the breezes softly blow.

Sometimes I think I spy them

Riding on a firefly's back

At dusk above the garden,

But their pathway's hard to track.

Jumping off, hiding themselves

In moss blankets--soft delights--

Their flying steeds unharnessed.

"Go to sleep, my garden sprites."


 Magical wooden fairy houses for wondrous play experiences available in our Web Store

"Sleep Song"

By Steven Kroll

How far and wide the fairies fly

On bright and golden wing.

But when they settle down to sleep

A gentle song they sing

Sweet Queen of Night

Soft silver stars

We're glad you are so near

We seek our beds

We rest our heads

Without a moment's fear

On thistledown

In hidden nooks

We watch the waning light

The joys of sleep

Upon us creep

We wish you all good night



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