An interactive session for children aged 2 years old (18 months- 3 years inclusive), focusing on the WA State Library's initiative "Sing With Me"packs and a providing a short and sweet educational presentation to parents and caregivers

Praise for Baby Bliss, presented by Rebecca J Flanagan:
"Thank you Rebecca! The session was all I had hoped for and more – just the perfect blend of information and practical application. I was particularly impressed by the way you seamlessly wove into your descriptions of rhymes and songs the value they offered in terms of brain development. Although we also try to impart this knowledge to new Mums, your expertise and experience enabled it to flow naturally into your explanations. This was the ideal preparation for parents about to attend our own rhyme time series. I hope to be able to invite you to present a similar session at least annually if not more often." - Sue, Senior Children's Librarian, City of Canning Libraries
Taking bookings now for 2020 workshops.
Perfect for community groups, libraries, parent education courses, mother's groups, playgroups, child care centres and family day care providers.
William Bertram Community Centre, every Thursday morning.
9.30am toddlers and pre-schoolers
10am babies under 2 years

Why are these sessions so important?
Following the birth of my baby daughter, I realised there was a vast number of new parents who were actively looking for ways to enhance their baby’s play and learning with music. Nursery rhymes and lullabies have always been recognised as crucial for early language development, not to mention the loving bond that is supoorted through singing to your baby. However these early parenting skills often get forgotten in our busy lifestyles of today, and this is where my Baby Bliss and Sing With Me focused sessions step in!
The importance of music in the early years
Music and movement are vital in the early years, simultaneously promoting development in multiple domains. “Singing engages both hemispheres of the brain, and adding movements such as tapping, drumming, playing instruments, or dancing enhances brain engagement even further by stimulating the frontal lobes” ~ Campbell & Brewer
Ongoing studies throughout the world conclude that children involved in musical experiences in the early years gain opportunities to experience self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-efficacy, engage in pretend play and symbolic thinking, develop cultural awareness, cooperate and build relationships, develop fine and gross motor skills, make connections, support body awareness, practice cognitive skills and concepts, develop literacy and language skills, and much, much more!
Beginning early is the key to providing the best start possible for young children.
How do I get involved?
Baby Bliss and my Sing With Me is a specialised workshop that provides parents and caregivers of babies aged between 0-12 months the tools and confidence to explore music with their little ones, and a repertoire of songs, rhymes and fingerplays to sing with their children every day as part of their routines and transitions. Simply go to the contact bar on this page and state your name, organisation, location, number of attendees and date /time required, and your booking will be registered. Let me show you how we can open the world of imagination and play, and demonstrate just how easy it is to provide a rich music and movement program for little ones in the infant stage through to toddlerhood and beyond.